Tuesday, September 13, 2005



There’s nothing like a little motivation in a comment like that.  My friend Sonia updated me on news back home and then just threw that line in…For months friends and family have asked what has happened, when I’m going to post, what is the deal with the blog…

It could have been the fact that when Sonia told me to do something…It got done—well, if it didn’t there was a legitimate excuse.

So, the posts will begin…and maybe plenty of them.  I haven’t visited my own blog for several weeks now.  I found that there’s a guy advertising in my comments section—Hey! It’s a comment from someone…

Serious...Joke? Serious joke... A serious joke...Is that like a pretty ugly guy? Or a cool fire? I'm taking you off my links...
Now you know that anyone who posts on this message are your hard core "true friends". Who else would check a blog for months with the hope of a new post?! Just kidding... you're great Quincy!
Well, this is the most PRECIOUS little blog I've ever seen. I'm so glad to finally see something new written here. I guess I'm a hardcore "true friend" because I was a glutton for disappointment about every other day hoping something new would be here. Glad you're back man. Sorry for the "cious".

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