Saturday, October 08, 2005


Sick of being Sick...

The end of June, July and August seem like one long stuffy nose…

I missed the ride I had trained for—spending a week on my back…all I could do was enjoy the oyster eating festivities of the Oyster Festival.  Oh yeah, I eat oysters now.  Everything you’ve heard about them is wrong…except that rule about eating bad oysters—I’m not going to try that one.

I would get better, get sick, get better, get sick…I wrote this while I was recovering…

Living in another country/ continent/ hemsiphere (any of the above) really requires an acceptance of discomfort.  I think initially that means the disruption of routine, diet, etc...As the first month progresses, it means catching every little bug and flu virus that you seemed to miss out on either because of the distance or season that you previously lived in.  It happened in Turkey and it was bound to happen here.  Looking back over my calendar, I've spent approximately a week and a half on my back in bed or on the couch sick with the beginning of flu, the 'big' flu, or a secondary infection caused by the flu.  Regardless...the word 'flu' now causes me to cringe and wish people the best if they've caught it...

It isn't good, but misery enjoys company.  At one point, in an office of 20+ people, 10 were out with flu or other illness...The office looked vacant and the announcement that someone else went home wasn't out of the ordinary that week.  It seemed this round of influenza in Knysna was devastating.

So, it has been about 2 weeks since my last run in with any sickness--I still have a dry cough to remember everything by...I'm also much more aware of any symptoms--almost hypochondriac-like in behavior...Better safe than sorry for the next few months.

Getting sick takes a week, recovery takes two, and trying to put together everything on a blog seems like it takes forever these days. I have really appreciated the concern a few friends have shown over the lack of input on the blog...”

That explains it all.  I hate being sick—sorry if I offended those who like it.

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